Besides, the consumers might access to fraudulent online shopping websites. The fraudsters accepting consumer's payment which pay by the credit card for their purchases and within one or two days the particular website is gone. At this time, it is too late to cancel their transaction when the consumer found out this and they still need to pay for their purchases.
On the other hand, the consumers sometimes complained that the item they received is not as nice looking as they seen in the picture from internet. The worse thing is, they might receive broken item from the seller while the item sold out is not changeable or refundable.
That is what I have heard from my friends who has shopping online. There is many false and tricks in the online shopping. You as a smart consumer, you have to be smart choosing online shopping sites and be careful while making payment for your purchases. Feel free to share your experience of shopping online here and your opinion about risks of shopping online. We are glad to hear you.. Thanks for spending time for this article..