Hey! It's all about Online Shopping. Hope you guys can get some information here~

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Online Banking

Online banking is one of the online payment methods. Online banking also known as internet banking. Nowadays, people would rather stay at home to manage their financial transaction than step out to bank and queue up for banking. Online banking is a secure website that allowed people to manage their financial transaction such as pay bills. Who is operating the websites? Most of the banks in Malaysia do have this facility. Today, I will discuss the most common online banking site-Maybank2u.com.

First of all, how to login? Well, you must have a Maybank account. Then, go to http://www.maybank2u.com.my/. You will see "Login" on the top left of the site.

Click login Next, you will be directed to login page. Key in your username and password and click Login.

Type username and password

After that, the page will be automatically directed to your online financial service home page.

Online Financial Service Homepage
There are some tips for you to keep you safe in online banking.
-Never login via email links
-Never tell your password to anyone
-Remember to log out everytime after you finished banking
-Clear your cache after each session

Be ALERT! A phishing website may confusing you the real and fake website. Then, you will key in your infomation as usual if you don't realize the fraud. This is one of the way the hacker steal your information. A secure website address will start with the HTTPS.

Example of Secure Website

Next week, I will discuss more about Maybank2u. What are the services does Maybank2u offering? Comment our post, tell us what you know about online shopping or you can ask any question that you want to know regarding online shopping. Thanks for spending time on our blog! Have a nice weekend!

References: Wikipedia website, Online Banking [Online], Retrieved 28th Febuary 2009. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_banking

Maybank official website, Maybank2u.com: a complete one-stop financial portal [Online], Retrieved 28th Febuary 2009. URL: http://www.maybank2u.com.my/

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More Than An Online Shopping Websites

Normally people know some sites for online store that sells merchandise that only available to choose only, but do you know there is actually some websites do provide some service like, you can create and customize your own gift or goods, which those goods can be embroidered the graphic you want on it. For example on a cup, on a t-shirt for a kid, a keychain and so on, or you can drawn out your own draft to make a bracelet and ordered online, there are a lot more choices you can find in those websites, a lot of freedom in chooisng your own perfecet gift or goods.

It is interesting, you can decide and take the authority in designing your goods, it has not limitation of course, but there are also some “this month popular graphic” can be chosen in the community trend that created by the users and online retailer. For example for the websites, caferpress.com, this websites is about, where peoples from all walks of life gather online to create, sell, and buy T-shirt and other “print on demand” products.

Createspace.com, it is about you can write your own book and this particular websites will help you to print it out and advertise in Amazon to sell your masterpiece. Not only book, you own movie, your own created songs and music. It is fun, people who interested can surf to the websites and get more details for it.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Poll analysis 5

Today is the day to release the poll result of week 5. Below is the chart to indicate the percentages of each options.

Poll Graph 5 The question of this week is: "Which form of delivery would you prefer?"

Well, most of the respondences would rather choose shipping which has 60% votes. On the other hand, 20% of the respondences would choose download to get their online purchased product. The rest 20% of votes were in-store pickup.

According to wikipedia, shipping is a one of the type of delivery forms which is to transport goods and cargo. There are three types of shipping transportations which including land, air and sea. Most of the online shoppers would prefer shipping because it is convenience. The product will be send to your door by vans or trucks depend on the product size and it will be arrive in a couple weeks. Normally, the online seller will charge some shipping fees such as insurance, air freight fee and so on. Besides, the download delivery form mostly used for original softwares, musics, movies, images, and so on. They can easily get those updates of original softwares from the internet and no need to go out to get the softwares they wanted. In addition, not many people would want to get their product through in-store pickup. Online shopping is about convenience and shopping without step out their house. Those people who choose to pick up their product on the spot is because they want to make sure the product they bought is complete and unbroken.

What do you think about the topic of today? Is there any other delivery form else besides shipping, download and in-store pickup that we are not covered? Feel free to tell us what you know!

Reference: Shipping, Wikipedia [online], Retrieved 22th Febuary 2009. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shipping

Friday, February 20, 2009

Online Booking

Hello, everyone know online booking?? Online booking means the customers are booking the services online. There are a lot of services can be book online. For instant, the customer can book movie ticket, flight ticket, hotel's room, KTV's room and so on.

The benefit of online booking is the customer can save a lot times instead of queuing up at the counter. For example, i think you guys have the experience that queuing up at the cinema box office to buy tickets right? It's really extreme crowded and sometimes you might don't want to watch movie anymore. But you all realize that the counter for telephone booking and online booking always lesser people are queuing up or sometimes there are no people queuing there? It's really save time because you just tell the pin number to the receptionist and then you just pay the money to them, lastly you can get the tickets. See, it's fast right?

The second benefit of online booking is to save energy. It is because you will know whether there is available for the particular service instead of you go to the place then only know the service is unavailable. I have an experience when i want go to KTV with my friends. After we reached there only we know the rooms were full. It is very disappointed when our friends and I have the mood to sing karaoke. Well, i think online booking the KTV's room is only available at Red Box and Green Box. It's convenient if you booked the room online and for the members, you will get double collective point for your card.

Another benefit of online booking is customers can pick the specific rooms or seat of the services. Customers can just choose the preferred seats or rooms by clicking it and it's charge of free! It is what we called, first come first serve. This is the privilege that can enjoy by the customers who book online. For example, the consumers can book movie tickets and choose the seats that they preferred. Another example is customers can choose the seats when they book flight tickets online. So you won't seperate with your partner when there is full.

This is what I share with you all this week, if you all have any information about online shopping. Kindly share it or leave your comment here. >_<

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Case

Well, today we will have some discussion, that I felt really angry about, welcome to drop a comment right here. I had a friend who was really admired Manchester United football group for so long , he was about to find the limited edition Manchester jersey all over the available retailer, like Nike, Adidas and so on, but unfortunately he has got no result in the end. I told him maybe he should get a shot in online shopping website, maybe there is an available online shopping retailer would sell that limited edition jersey, since he saw that Jersey introduce in an online articles. He wouldn`t gave up any chances to get the jersey, So he decided to find it at online shopping website, and he found it, he called me and told me how happy and excited he was, he finally made the ordered for a red jersey.

He waited for two weeks, and finally the parcel delivered to his house, he opened the wrap and found out that is not the jersey that he wanted and ordered, the online retailer gave him an Arsenal Jersey rather than a Manchester Jersey, and that jersey is selling at all the available store in the shopping mall, and is selling cheaper than the online retailer, he was so angry, and called to the website service line, but they did not giving an answer that can satisfied us, and they keep saying, “Sorry Sir, I am not so sure about it” , and we asked for refund, but she said “I’m sorry , that is not refundable”. How blur she was, she can`t even make any explanation at all, irresponsible. My friend gave that jersey to the other friend for his own sake, he is fed up and really disappointed about this matter.

Well, trying to buy stuff in online retailer is actually not really, not that okay and dangerous, but before you made any order for stuff, think wise and make some judgments to the website. Don`t simply click on the stuff and order without reading the terms and conditions and also the paying platform, THINK WISE. Because not every online retailer is safe and secure.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Poll analysis 4

Hi! Its time to share the poll result of this week.

Poll Graph 4
The poll question of this week is "How do you find online shopping websites?" Based on the poll chart, most of the people which is 50% are found online shopping websites by word of mouth. Other than this, there are 30% of the people claimed that they found online shopping websites through the forum. The minority of people which has 20% votes are found online shopping websites by using search engine.

Many online shoppers would like to share their online shopping experiences with their friends in a conservation. They will recommend the good online shopping websites to friends and at the same time, they will also discourage the bad online shopping websites. Therefore, the online shopping websites spreading around and many people will try online shopping websites that recommended by friends. On the other hand, forum is a good medium to share the online shopping websites. People discuss everything there... about music, movie, IT stuff, shopping, and so on.
Whats your opinion? Feel free to comment here....

Friday, February 13, 2009

Home Shopping

Hello, how are you guys?? Busy on assignments?? Me too.. haha.. The topic that i wanted to cover is Home Shopping. Online shopping and TV Shopping are categorize as Home Shopping.

Do you guys ever watch of the programme that a host introduce some products?? The duration of this programme is about 30 minutes to 1 hour and the programme is repeating over and over again but just to introduce one or two products? This is what we called TV Home Shopping. Most of the programme will broadcast at morning and target to the housewives. The example of TV Home Shopping in Malaysia is SmartShop and Quantum Showcase. There are home shopping network TV in other countries such as America, Taiwan, UK and so on. Most of the home shopping network TV is successfully make sales. Unfortunately, i don't think TV Home Shopping is effective in our country.

The process of TV Home shopping is quite easy. The consumer only have to call to the hot line that show at the bottom of the TV and you can order the products that you wanted. Definitely you must tell them your details when you buy the products like your name, address, telephone number and so on. The consumers can pay the product when they receive the products by paying cash or credit card.

Another category of Home Shopping is food delivery such as Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut, Dominos Pizza and so on. It's simple to order your food. Just pick up the phone and dial to the particular number and follow the voice instruction. Then you can order your food and beverage. Moreover, the delivery charges may vary from different restaurant and places. Well, have you tried delivery service or TV Home Shopping?? Feel free to comment here~~ Happy weekend!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Poll analysis 3

The poll question for last week was "How do you make payment for online purchases?"

Poll Graph 3
According to the poll result, the majority of people which is 78.57%, would rather choose internet banking than the other online payment methods. Besides that, the minority of people would make payment by using debit cards and cash on delivery(COD) while at the same time both have got 7.14% votes. In addition, there is 7.14% of the people voted for "other" votes and has entered cash deposite as their answer.

Based on the responds we have got in the previous poll analysis, some said that rather go shopping in the shopping mall than shopping online. This is because of they can touch and try the product before purchase it. There are many risks and tricks in the internet, online shoppers have to be aware about cracking and hacking. They might hack your account and steal your information for another purposes. What do you think about our poll? Is the result announced in your expectation? Feel free to drop comments.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The secure of online credit card transaction


Recently, my web development lecturer Mr. Andrew has taught a lesson which is about the tools and methods of cybercrime and the safeguard (the solution to solve the risk of cybercrime) which is very useful in my topic, and I get to learn more. I get to know actually online shopping is very dangerous in some way.



Credit Card and Online Shopping, Decribe the credit card [Online], Retrieved 6th February 2009

URL: http://credit.echoes-act3.com/o/post_64.html

The paragraph above claims that among the payments like bank transfer and credit card payment the consumers will choose credit card payment on the spot. This is convienience to complete the purchase. Moreover, the consumers no need go to bank and transfer the money after they have booked the stuff.

Mostly people are paying by credit card while doing online shopping, which I found is very dangerous. CCV, as know as credit card validation, it available behind of the physical card, it was numbers that state behind the credit card. In reality, the store will normally, verified the card with a Point of Sale terminal to handle credit card transactions, like what you can see when you buy things by using credit card in a store or market. A receipt will be given by the cashier to keep it as a proof of the trade. But in online shopping, it seems natural that online commerce would be done with credit cards rather than other kind of payments. Just simply type our credit card number into the merchant's World Wide Web (www) page payment form and wait for our purchase to be shipped to us. The only thing that needs to pass between the merchant and the buyer is the credit card number. The problem is, it's not that simple and safe. In the open networking, the data show and flow without unencrypted, the mischief-maker may uses the number without the person permission to do some unknown trade and action. Unless there is a security based provision built in that can ease the people`s fear, a secure server is one that uses a protocol such as SSL or S-HTTP to transmit data between the server and browser, which a person have to beware of that before making any payment by using credit card.

Here is a video showing PayPal hacking...

There are a lot of videos like this in the internet. The hackers show how they hack other people accounts and password, teaching people how to hack PayPal money.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Poll Analysis 2

Today i will discuss about the result of the poll question. Our question of the poll is "What would you buy from the internet?"

Poll Graph 2 Based on the result of the poll, most of the people will buy clothes when they online shopping which is 71%. The following things that people will buy from internet are perfumes and accessories. Perfumes and accessories are each contain 14% of the result. On the other hand, there is no people buy accessories in the internet.

We have asked the question whether you have tried online shopping last week. Most of the people haven't try to shop online. I think the majority of the people who have tried to shop online is female because they bought clothes, beauty and perfumes from the internet. Well i guess the people will buy clothes is cheaper than buying beauty stuff like cosmetic and perfumes. So that, they will try to buy clothes online.

Haha. Thanks for viewing our blog! Have a nice day~~


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The best online shopping website

As the previous topic about background and history of online shopping that written by Pui Fun, based on the article online shopping was began since mid of 1990s, Charles Stack is the founder who implemented and executed this great idea of online shopping and slowly, the trade and sales through the internet practice widely and expanded through globally until, today online shopping market is one of the crucial marketing influences.

To create an online store or business, the way of organizing and maintaining the profile, marketing strategy the management and interactivity is very important. News must be updated from day to days to keep refreshing the reader and buyer about today trend and issue. There are a lot of online shopping website exists in today’s day, for example like, Ebay is one of the largest online shopping sites, it allows the consumer to get quality item in the price they set and still the price is negotiable. It runs successfully and it is a well known website for online shopping. In the other hand, there are still some online shopping website did fail in the industry, it causes by lack of experience, infuse the wrong marketing strategy and so on. There are even some competitions for the best online shopping site for example, each year the Web Marketing Association names the Best Shopping web site as part of the annual Web Award Competition. Best websites are selected by judges who review the entered websites using a few criteria, who are interested can get more info from www.webaward.org.

These are the winners of website who are selected to be the winner of the year. Year

2008 Cooking.com

2007 Rare Bird, Inc.

2006 ShopLocal

2005 Ion Global

2004 Fry, Inc.

2003 AGENCY.COM -on_shop-


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